Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Alright, I hardly ever post/forward funny videos...but this one is hilarious! Please watch this because these goats crack me up every time!

PS...I'm waiting on a phone call/email from my Dad or Mike informing me of the origin of these things.


kara battel said...

fainting goats? really- that is so funny! and your link to my photo shoot is great- thanks! (finally)

post about your runs please- thanks again!

kara battel said...

i want you to start blogging something to me everysingleday! for one week starting on monday- one thing... for me... every.. single... day... for one week! i know you can do it... just make it the conversation that you want to have with me, but can't b/c of my kids!

ps the word verification for this comment is not kidding MULLET- funny huh?